
Monday, April 18, 2011

Amish Prayers - By Beverly Lewis

Amish Prayers: Heartfelt Expressions of Humility, Gratitude, and DevotionAmish Prayers is compiled by Beverly Lewis. This book is a series of prayers which has been divided into different categories such as prayers for: a new day, divine guidance, gratitude, repentance, comfort, praise, strength, purity in heart, unity, humility, submission and the evening. This book is remarkable in that this is the first time that many of these prayers have been translated from their original source in German to English. 

Each prayer is beautifully written and meaningfully phrased to breathe life into the words anew. Illustrations from different aspects of Amish life sketched in brown enhance the simplistic, yet profound meaning uttered in these words. All prayers are also associated with a passage from scripture that biblically grounds the prayer.

Overall, this book is beautifully done. It would be perfect for a gift book or to add to a devotional library.  The prayers are meaningful. As I read them, many times I considered the authenticity that the Amish had in their prayer lives in comparison to my own seemingly shallow life that I had thought was once richly average. One of the most beautifully translated prayers is found on pg. 25. It goes:

 O Lord, awaken in us a hunger and thirst for you and your righteousness. Teach us to act according to your will, for you are our God. May your good Spirit lead us along the straight path. We commend ourselves to you.  Let all of our works be blessed and bring honor to your name and be useful to our neighbors. Make us into tools of your mercy and let us joyfully go forth and practice our calling. Amen

For reviewing this book, I received a free copy of it from Bethany House Publishers.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Timeless Historical Christian Romance - A Must Read!

Courting Miss AmselCourting Miss Amsel is definitely a must read! It is a page turner that is fast paced and intriguing from beginning to the end. The story follows a first year, turn of the century, teacher that has always dreamed of teaching in small town. When Edythe Amsel's dreams come true and she lands a job in Walnut Hill, Nebraska, she believes that she is leaving her past behind her and beginning a new life. But as she quickly discovers her past and her dreams are anything but separate. Having already raised her brothers and sister, Edythe wants nothing more than to be a teacher and demonstrate to her students that learning can be fun and intriguing, but when several suitors begin to go after the school teacher's frozen heart, it will take an act of God to melt and mold it into His purpose and will.

Another problem quickly arises due to Miss Amsel's progressive teaching style. From the start the town wonders how this teacher's new teaching methods will work. Many wonder how looking at bugs and planting seeds for science is learning, after all.  The town folks eventually begin to accept this their schoolmarm, but when Edythe Amsel decides to take a field trip to hear Miss Susan B. Anthony speak on women's right, that might be just to much for Walnut Hill.

Overall this is an excellent book! I can honestly say I enjoyed Kim Vogel Sawyer. She developed characters and plots that were engaging and heartwarming. I thoroughly enjoyed everything about this book. My one critique of this book, speaking from an elementary teacher's point of view, is that the methods that Edythe Amsel uses were not invented until about twenty or more years after the time period of this book. For me this was a small annoyance as Miss Amsel dealt with many problems as a modern teacher would and not as a teacher living during the early 1900s would have. I think that overall, this is a must read!

For reviewing this book, I received a copy of it from Bethany House Publisher.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A great book if you have lots of questions!

A Conversation with God: If You Could Ask God Anything What Would It Be? 
A Conversation with God is richly written book by Alton Gansky. Gansky takes 55 commonly asked questions and allows God, Jesus and other biblical characters to answer these questions. This tastefully done, biblically based book is well written and gives the reader an idea of what God or other biblical characters would think about some of today's issues and other current topics.  A handful of the myriad of topics covered in this book include the nature of God, the authenticity of the Bible and why we can rest assured that it is totally accurate, are we living in the end times, who was Jesus and where did His soul go once He died, why does a loving God allow pain, and many more. This book answers these questions from multiple points of view to give the reader a thorough understanding of the answer in many cases.

All in all this was a good read. The feel of the book is nicely done with the rich paper that it is printed on. Probably the best aspect about the book was the different views that the author presented on the subject. I really enjoyed that each question was answered from more than one point of view. It allowed for a richer and more meaningful answer to the question. Overall I would recommend this book.

For reviewing this book, I received of copy of it from

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Two Books that are needing reviews written now

Due to real life issues, I am beginning to become back-logged in my reviews. Hopefully, we'll get another one between today and Friday. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Prince's Poison Cup - A MUST for any family's library!

The Prince's Poison Cup
The Prince’s Poison Cup is a beautiful rendition of the reason mankind needs a savior and the ultimate sacrifice that was made. The story starts with a beautiful town that the King of Light has created. The people in the town are happy in their daily fellowship with their ruler, until they disobey his orders and drink from the forbidden well. The rest of the story follows the Prince’s journey as he must muster his courage and try to rescue the town’s people from their own mistake of drinking from the well.  

            This was a delightful and charming book! The pictures were intriguing, captivating and just overall beautifully done. The age range of this book is definitely early elementary school, but even I as an adult reader thoroughly enjoyed it. This book would make a nice edition to any children’s pastor, teacher, or family’s library. The story is succinct and nicely paced. The vocabulary is nice too. Overall I give this book 10/10 stars on my rating scale. This is definitely a must if you have any elementary age children living in your home or if you have anyone that you want to explain the Gospel to!

Disclaimer: For reviewing this book, I will be receiving a copy of it for my library from Ligonier Books.

I'm Back!

After a chaotic couple of weeks, I have finally made my way back to the blogosphere. It's amazing how the plans that I make don't always work out the way I plan. I am reminded of the verse:

'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 

 God has shown me through all my various adventures and small trials that He is completely and utterly in control. I  may make plans for my future and how I want my day to day schedule to flow but ultimately I have little to no control of the whims of fate. It is God who is the author and the director of this movie, called history, I am merely a bit part player that has small roll to participate in. When I eventually learn this lesson that the Lord is the ultimate authority then I will be satisfied, content, and peaceful when the anxieties and "adventures" happen in this life.